Breema – The Art of Being Present
Breema is a body-centered, holistic approach to being present. It uses floor-based bodywork, movement exercises, and the Nine Principles of Harmony to unify body, mind, and feelings and raise our level of consciousness.
The natural movements and the non-judgmental approach introduce us to a unique quality of touch that is a direct expression of our degree of presence. When we are present, we enjoy a more open-hearted and balanced relationship with ourselves, others, and all life. Breema’s philosophy is based on a profound understanding of the underlying unity of all life. Practicing Breema creates and experience of dynamic balance that is deeply nurturing, vitalizing, and beneficial for both giver and receiver. This workshop is a wonderful opportunity for movement enthusiasts, bodyworkers, dancers, and anyone interested in the art of being present and a deeper understanding of life that supports harmony and wholeness in themselves and others.Friday evening – Introduction to Breema – Free!
Practicing Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and working with Breema’s Nine Principles of Harmony is deeply nourishing and revitalizing. This evening you will learn simple Breema sequences and exercises that introduce an entirely new and natural way of moving and relating, and offer access to new dimensions of physical, mental, and emotional health and balance.
Weekend workshop – Supporting Life Always and Everywhere
Breema offers a tangible experience of presence that is the gateway to a new dimension of health, consciousness, and Self-understanding. Breema’s universal principles help us unify body, mind, and feelings, so we can find meaning in every moment of life.
The weekend workshop will include an experiential exploration of the Nine Principles of Harmony and how they can be applied in any activity or situation. We will work with Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises to experience a more receptive mind, supportive feelings, and a vital body.
This workshop is for anyone interested in a practical way to move towards real heath, vitality, and a more meaningful life.
Date & Time:
Friday, 11th November 2022: 19:15-21:15
Saturday, 12th November 2022: 12:30-15:30 and 16:30-19:30
Sunday, 13th March 2022: 10:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
Birthe Kaarsholm, staff instructor at the Breema Center in Oakland, California, Ulf Bräutigam och Anna Holtenstam
Full workshop: 1400 SEK or 360 SEK per workshop unit
Partial attendance available. Contact Anna Holtenstam for details.Friday evening: Free